Softwares - Models

developed in the UMR ECOSYS

In this folder

Un modèle pour simuler les transferts, transformations et bilans d’azote à l’échelle du paysage agricole

16 October 2023


Flux Interpretation by Dispersion and Exchange over the Short-range

16 October 2023


Bilan Hydrique INRAE-AgroParisTech

28 August 2023


Volatilisationof ammonia and pesticides
CERES-EGC is a model simulating the cycles of water, carbon and nitrogen in agro-ecosystems, developed since the 1990's at the Environment and Arable Crops Joint Research Unit (2015 : ECOSYS Unit). It predicts both the productivity and environmental impacts of arable crops, in relation to agricultural practices.
Modèle Lagrangien de dispersion et d'échange de gaz-traces et de particules en champ proche pour les couverts végétaux

16 October 2023


Architecture des couverts sur les épidémies de septoriose
SURFATM is a bi-directional model for heat and pollutant exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere partitioning the soil and the plant layers
Contacts :A. Tuzet, S. Saint-Jean, R. Massad

Modification date : 23 October 2023 | Publication date : 04 August 2010 | Redactor : Doc EcoSys - M. Pavlidès