GAIA - Guiding management and AntIcipation of fungal pathogen Adaptation.

Guiding management and AntIcipation of fungal pathogen Adaptation.


Studies on fungicides’mode-of-action and resistance have a long lasting history at INRA Versailles-Grignon. AMAR’s activity historically dealt with spatio-temporal dynamics of resistance in fungal populations and the emergence of new resistances, elucidation of fungicide mode-of-action and resistance mechanisms, including fungicide sensitivity profiles. The research of the AMAR team participates to the global challenge of reducing pesticide use (as transcribed into law in the “Ecophyto” regulation), via smart and optimized resistance management. We also develop an important activity of transfer and expertise, deriving from our research.

Our team elaborates its research in an integrative fashion applying interdisciplinary approaches. AMAR scientists cover the following disciplines: agronomy, microbiology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, population genetics, phytopathology and bio-mathematics.


Modification date : 16 April 2024 | Publication date : 07 March 2016 | Redactor : Anne Deredec